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My observations on:

  • Covid 19
  • Presidential Election Far From Over
  • Twitter, Facebook, and most media exposed
  • Great hope for the future

Lots of statistics, charts, and some articles for those wanting a deeper dive.

Some Great Covid Related News:

Because of great advances in medical treatment and protection of elderly and vulnerable – those dying “with” Covid in their system has dropped roughly 85% from the peak.

Vaccine from multiple sources should be available soon

Meanwhile, the politics with governor mandated masks and shutdowns has never been so divisive. I guess it depends on what statistics you look at. Covid19 is a serious virus, but it spreads in the air and masks don’t seem to be the answer.

With increasing lockdowns and in-home mask mandates, let’s compare 4 states with very different policies:


Seems like the mask policy has little control over virus spread.

The divisiveness from the difference in opinion is something I’ve never seen before. It is largely a blue state/ red state-run issue. Democrat governors tend to mandate much stricter lockdowns than Republican governors. The impact has been huge on their local economies as measured by the unemployment rates in the different states. This is no surprise, if the businesses are closed, people are being sent to the unemployment line.


Covid 19 deaths being overly used to scare people. Many deaths counted “from” Covid” are likely “with” Covid.

Notice two lines in the graph below. The deaths from non-Covid related causes (cancers, Alzheimers, heart disease, etc.) have gone down while deaths “with” covid have gone up. No coincidence.

If you are wondering why this is happening, look no farther than the fact that if a sick or a badly injured person dies “with” a trace of Covid in their system they are counted as death “from” Covid.

Quote from Dr. Ezike IL Dept of Health – “It means if at the time of death if it was a  covid positive diagnosis. That means if you were in hospice and had already been given a few weeks to live, and then you were also found to have Covid, that would be counted as a Covid death. It means technically even if you died from a clear alternate cause, but you had covid at the same time, it’s still listed as a covid death.”

Watch video of Dr. Ezike here:

Great news for kids and schools not being used by many Governors:

  • 99.99% survival for K-12 kids.
  • 8 deaths out of > 80K recorded cases.
  • 99.82% survival for ages 20-49.
  • 77% of teachers are younger than 50.

I really wish my three college-age kids were in class not missing out on learning in the classroom. As one of my children told me, “Dad, online classes are a joke.” The joke’s on me when I’m shelling out forty thousand dollars all in for her.

Every Illinois school parent, teacher should know these COVID-19 facts – Wirepoints


The hope for 2021 is that vaccine will greatly help the vulnerable and continued improvements in treatments will help Americans and people around the world to move forward in a positive way.


The US Presidential Election is far from over

The vote count in several states is being seriously disputed. When I went to bed at 1:00am on election night President Trump had a 2.8 million to 2 million vote lead in Pennsylvania. I woke up and that lead was magically gone.  Attorney Sydney Powell with Maria Bartiromo and her video explanation:


It appears there may have been massive fraud in some states after the states uncharacteristically stopped counting on election night. Dig into the information in this link if you are interested in learning more about this.

A day AFTER the election, Biden receives a dump of 134,886 votes at 6:31AM!

I don’t pretend to know what the outcome will be, but the Trump haters won’t stop hating and the President Trump lovers won’t stop supporting him and his policies.

The voting machines and mail-in ballots issues have been exposed and we need this to be changed. As a nation, we have to have faith that our elections are fair and all votes are counted, one per person that actually votes.

What happens in the next 30-60 days will be the most contested presidential election outcome in history. It may expose fraud like never before and be very unsettling. 

This too will pass either way. In the meantime, I bet your feelings are greatly impacted by what TV news you watch or what you follow on social media.  The outrage on all TV News is driven to get you to watch and stay tuned. Ratings, ratings, ratings, that’s their motivation.

That brings me to my next point.

The media has finally been exposed.

Many in the media had once held themselves out as journalists. The Wikipedia definition of journalist is: A reporter is a type of journalist who researches, writes and reports on information in order to present using sources.

There don’t seem to be any actual journalists left. I think everybody on TV News has been exposed as a cheerleader for their side (liberal or conservative). They present news to persuade viewers to their way of thinking.

Social media (Twitter, Facebook, Google, etc.) has also been exposed. They block posts that don’t agree with their political agenda. For example, Twitter CEO, Jack Dorsey, waited until after the election to admit he should not have suppressed the Washington Post story about Hunter Biden

This is very scary, as many people use social media to get their information. Did you know that Google knows you so well that depending on who you are, where you are Googling from, Google search results will differ from person to person?

I strongly recommend you watch the movie, Social Dilemma click and scroll to watch the trailer. One of the most enlightening movies I’ve ever watched.


In summary, 2020 was a year of massive change.

I have great optimism about our future. America is a strong nation and like people, made stronger by the perseverance and fortitude gained when going through such tumultuous times.

We are in the home stretch for Covid thanks to coming vaccines, great treatments, and protecting the vulnerable.

One way or another the election will be decided and voting integrity, now exposed, I assume will be corrected going forward.

The TV news and social media bias have been exposed and people are hopefully aware of this going forward.

The fallout from all of this will be ongoing.

More people will forever work remotely.

Some people will wear masks forever

Shifts in real estate demand will change from urban to rural for some.

Online shopping and remote work will greatly impact many things including commercial real estate, airline business travel, hotel, daily transportation, and where people live.

Online school or homeschooling may grow dramatically.

There are many other changes that I’m leaving out, but you get the picture.

“Change” can be a very good thing.


With all this going on my recommendation is to consider

The Serenity Prayer

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
courage to change the things I can,
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time,
Enjoying one moment at a time,
Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace,
Taking, as Jesus did,
This sinful world as it is,
Not as I would have it,
Trusting that You will make all things right,
If I surrender to Your will,
So that I may be reasonably happy in this life,
And supremely happy with You forever in the next.


I wish you good health and peace of mind.


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