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Habits of the Wealthy! 20 Things The Rich Do Every Day.

 Habits of the Wealthy! It turns out that habits of wealthy people tend to create positive, pro-active habits that lead to their success. I have often spoke with clients about living their life in a proactive way rather than reactive. Believe…
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No Will Needed - Beneficiary Updates are Critical

Most of your assets will never pass on through your will (assuming you have one).  IRA's, 401k's, life insurance and annuities all have direct beneficiaries that were recorded when you first signed up for them.  For many of those assets, that…
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It's Never Too Early

The Time Value of Money is the oldest, wisest concept ever created for investors. Wait until you see what you could create by saving less than $7 a day toward college for an unborn baby! The real power of this concept comes from rate of return…